Real Life Real Estate

Real Life Real Estate “Call Me Any Time; I Work 24 Hours A Day!” All work and no play? No thanks! Life is all about finding your purpose & passion while having fun along the way. Okay, I admit, there are days when I just want to stay in bed and shut out the world, but I am human & mental health days are allowed! In fact, they are […]
Real Life Real Estate The Honest-to-God Reality About Multitasking Did you know that multitasking is really a bunch of bullshit? I mean, it sounds like a cool word but let’s be honest, our brains just aren’t wired like that. What they are wired to do, though, is time-share. The reality is, our brains can only actively think about one task at a time. So […]
Real Life Real Estate So You Think You Know Me? Mental Health & Her Many Masks I’m back!!! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone is hanging in there—I know it has been a wild couple of months! Who knew 2020 would start off as a three-ring shit storm? Aside from the obvious pandemic pandemonium, there has been a lot of emotion and energy flowing, both positive and negative. Social media has […]
Real Life Real Estate Real Life in the Season of Sweatpants & Social Distancing These past 2 weeks, I lived in sweatpants, zero makeup, with my hair pulled back! I ate more calories in a week than I normally do all year. I stayed up super late and slept in daily. I attempted home workouts but was easily distracted by my dog. The kids and I binge-watched Netflix and cuddled […]
Real Life Real Estate What in the Sam Hill is Going On? 10 “Imagines” to Help You Keep It Positive Through the Coronavirus Pandemic Welcome back! What a wild 2 weeks it’s been—travelling for my daughter’s volleyball, toilet paper shelves are empty, mortgage rates are falling, and the whole damn world is in a tail-spin! As if that wasn’t enough, we just had the last supermoon of this winter so people were acting bat-shit crazy, coronavirus is shutting down […]
Real Life Real Estate The Top 10 Commandments of Real Life Real Estate (According to Me) Okay, so now that you have gotten to know me a bit better, let’s jump right into the “meat and badadoes”, as my Grandma Davidson would say! People often ask why I got into real estate and, sometimes, I stare at them blankly and wonder that myself. But, in all honesty, I do love real […]
Real Life Real Estate Real Life Real Estate: Not Just Another Real Estate Blog Okay, okay — I know what you’re thinking: another realtor writing another boring real estate blog about how to buy or sell a home. (insert eye roll) Well, guess what?! This is not just another real estate blog and I am not just another REALTOR®. That’s right! It’s 2020 and it’s time to kick things up a […]
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